Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Phoenix Phun

We spent a long weekend in Phoenix visiting some family and having lots of fun! Nate & Terah have lived there for a couple of years, and this was our long overdue trip to see their place. Also, Zach's other sister, Sarah, moved to Phoenix when she started dating her now fiance, Matthew!

We spent the weekend celebrating a couple of things in particular...
1. Nate & Terah are expecting their first baby!!!!! We are super pumped to add a cousin to the Sheets (Ott) clan! I am sure we will be making more trips to Phoenix in the coming months : )

2. Sarah & Matthew had a wedding shower hosted by their friends in Phoenix. It was great to meet their church and work friends, and we are looking forward to their fast approaching wedding on the 25th!

Here is the weekend in pictures...

We had an early morning flight out of Lubbock, so we stayed the night with our friends Bob & Allison. They have a precious little girl, Ella. Levi became particularly fond of a pair of Ella's shoes, and it was too funny not to photograph! Poor guy...this will come back to haunt him...

Our attempt to get a picture of all 3. Turned out pretty cute!

The boys on the plane.

After being on a plane all day, the boys were ready to explore and play! Fortunately, Nate & Terah have a park across the street from their place. Unfortunately, it was still like 95 degrees...
(hence Will's red face)

I just love this picture of Levi. Sweet sweet boy.

but he is a sweet boy that loved Indi's dog food. He seriously could not get enough! Yes, his mouth is crammed full of the stuff...

but at least he was polite enough to thank Indi for sharing!

We had the awesome opportunity to watch Nate take off and land his F16 Jet. I found myself with a huge grin the whole time, and I felt like a kid in a candy store! It was sooo cool! He is in the plane closest to the building.

Speaking of Nate...Zach complimented his PJ's the first night we were there, and lo and behold...Nate gave Zach another pair the next night. Here they are all jammied up!

On Saturday morning, all of the ladies went to a super hip salon to get our haircut! I couldn't resist taking this picture of Whitney. hee hee

Will & Levi had a great time being spoiled by all the aunts, uncles, grandparents and friends. It was like they were being served everything on a silver platter.
bu-dum-chhh. hehehe...i crack myself up.

Apparently Levi's brownie stunt is a common occurrence! Sarah snapped this pic of Levi when he had no idea anyone was watching. That kid....

Here we all are at the wedding shower. Heather was the only one who couldn't make it.

The sistas-
Gini, Terah & baby Ott : ), Whitney, Cori, Sarah, Shelley, & me.

Will found himself in a little trouble when he couldn't figure out how to get down...

both the boys loved playing in the curtains.

All in all, the trip was great! Thanks Nate & Terah for being amazing hosts. Your house was crammed full of people, but we wouldn't want it any other way!

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katie and matt said...

That picture of Levi with dog food in his mouth makes me gag a bit. Gross!!

Kate said...

Those are great pictures. I'm glad y'all had such a fun time there! You should get some of those matching PJ's for Will and Levi.

Elliott and Cherry Wood said...

I love that you got a picture of Levi eating dog food! that little child makes me laugh every time I see a picture of him! Please bring your sweet family to Nashville soon so we can see you guys!!

hannah said...

They look so big next to Ella. How fun that you got to stay with them and see her. Dog food? Ugh.

Terah said...

We had SO much fun having you guys here! Nate and I both say you should come back soon!

erin f. said...

What a fun time! I am excited for Nate and Terah! That's awesome.

Shannon Burton said...

What a fun time in Phoenix! Looks like you all had an awesome time. Such beautiful sisters. Ok...Levi is cracking us up in those dress-up shoes! And eating the dog food! He's gonna trouble, Kara! :) And both boys hair is so long. What cuties...

lov said...

found your blog from a friend's

and i must say your boys are too cute

i'm going to have to save your link!