Monday, April 14, 2008

Thank you previous owners...

...for the beautiful rose bush! We are loving it!

...and for the pretty bush that I don't know the name of. You are pretty too!and you attract hummingbirds. I love hummingbirds, so I love you pretty bush! Can you spot the hummingbird in the picture below?

he is just to the right of the very center of the picture.

Random pic of Levi crashed after a big dinner the other night.

And this why I won't be mother of the day today...

Will was playing earlier when I noticed he looked different....
I couldn't figure out why, until I lifted his jammies to find this:

ooops! I forgot to put a fresh diaper on him this morning! I must have been distracted by something. He was diaperless for about 1 now I am going to check our carpet for wet spots. Wish me luck!

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Cassie said...

I LOVE that Will doesn't have a diaper on. That little bottom is too cute!

I also love your bushes and sweet hummingbird. Can't wait to see the new house!

Kimela said...

Forgetting to put a diaper on is just too funny. I know I was distracted by only one baby. I can't imagine how it would be having two babies. Your babies are just too cute.

Allison said...

HAHA! So cute! The boys are getting so big and are cute as always!

Your house is looking great! I think I am going to try to talk Aaron into a rose bush, they are just too pretty not to have one!

Kathy said...

Will's gonna love that picture when he's around 16!
And the flowers really are lovely. I love flowers.

*Courtney* said...

That's hilarious that Will was diaperless! I'm sure he enjoyed getting to air out a little bit. :)

Matthew and Jessica Green said...

Hi Will:) Cute butt... love, Claire

Shannon Burton said...

Love the bare bottom! It's also a great way to start potty training this summer when they'll be running around naked in your backyard.... :)

Laura said...

Hi there! Remember me? Lisa keeps me pretty up to date on your cute little family. Your blog is so funny. BTW, your pretty bush you don't know the name of is called red salvia. I have one in my yard that I planted and I love it more each year. Happy blogging! Your boys are so cute.