Tuesday, February 05, 2008

All About Will & Levi

I was kindly reminded today that I am behind on posting pictures of the boys. So this blog will be all about 'da boys.

Most babies like to fall asleep with their pacifier. Case and point: Levi

but not our Will. He still is comforted best by his highlighters.

We spent the weekend going to the ACU Baseball games. Of course, the boys just had to wear their caps to the games. Here they are taking a little snooze between games.

Will makes funny smirks in his sleep.

As of yesterday, Levi is crawling!!! He has been scooting backwards, but he finally figured out how to go forward! My world is about to change- big time.

Will has no interest in crawling yet. He just stares at Levi crawling around him and gives Levi very concerned looks. That doesn't stop Will from getting into things though! I walked into the living room last night and found this:

For the longest time, Will was the mama's boy and Levi was a daddy's boy. Recently, that has changed! I have absolutely LOVED watching Will reach for his dad and repeat 'da da da da da da da' alll daayyy llooong until Zach is around. It really just melts my heart. But do you know what else melts my heart?? The fact that Levi loves to give me hugs and kisses these days. He will wrap his arms around my neck and give me a tight hug, and then he will give me all kinds of slobbery kisses on my cheek. i-love-it. Here is Levi caught in the action:

Will's favorite thing to do with his dad is work on the computer.

Zach came home from work the other day and found this...

I love rocking both of the boys, but when they both fall asleep I get stuck! I can't gracefully get out of the chair with both of the boys and keep them asleep. So I just have to forget about getting anything done during their naps and just sit. I try to fall asleep, but sometimes I just sit. It is wonderful.

Part 2 of 'How I Became A Sheets, A Love Story' coming soon!

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Kelli said...

Girl, I just love all those pictures! Your boys are so fun and precious! It is wonderful to see all of you doing so well. The boys are getting so big! Hope you have a great week!

Sarah Cornett said...

Wow, those boys get more and more precious ALL the time! You are such an amazing mom...don't know how you do it!

Anonymous said...

Sweet, sweet pictures. What is really fun is watching their unique personalities unfold and anticipating what remarkable new attribute will emerge next. Love y'all.

Allison said...

those boys are too cute for their own good. you're right, your life is about to change drastically(sp?)...have fun!

lisajo said...

precious! Addison is still in the scooting backward stage. enjoy those boys!

TKP said...

Kara, I tagged you on my blog. Love the pics of the boys!

Anonymous said...


laura said...

that last picture is so cute...and you look beautiful! i can't believe they can just fall asleep anywhere, holding anything. reese has to have dead silence and a dark room. it makes it very difficult to get her to sleep. lucky you.

Julia said...

The pictures are precious. I am in suspense to hear the next installment of your story of becoming a Sheets!

Daniela said...

I absolutely love your blog. Your boys are sooo precious. I raised 3 boys, and miss those times with them when they were little. But just when you think it can't get any better..it does. By the way, I think I have those socks you mentioned. God bless you and your family!!

Shannon Burton said...

Love these. Enjoy those sweet rocking moments...