Monday, September 03, 2007

Laboring on Labor Day....

...that is what my sister-in-law got to do!

Welcome Vander Colton Brown!

My nephew was born today, which was perfect because I happened to be in the metroplex where it all took place! Isn't he adorable?!

Congrats to Andy, Melissa and big brother Zane!


summer said...

He's beautiful, just like his cool aunt Kara! Congrats to your whole family.

Sarah Cornett said...

so cute...and I love the name

Anonymous said...

that is so great that you were in town, I remember you saying you were hoping she would have the the baby why you were in town!! Yeah! P.S. I miss the boys, and you!

Benay said...

can't you browns produce any female offspring? :) He's adorable. and he looks so big compared to your little guys. congrats to the family!