Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Oh, Be Careful Little Mouth What You Say...

The boys had their end of the year program at Young Children's World. It was our first experience with a program for the boys, and it was tooo stinkin' cute! I wanted to take pics of every group of kiddos, but I decided that may be a little overboard.

I was afraid that if the boys spotted us, they wouldn't stay up on stage. I was totally wrong! They spotted me taking pics on the front row, and they both just waved and smiled at me and stayed put. They sang three songs, but I can't remember all of them. I was too busy snapping away on my camera. I do remember that they sang 'Oh Be Careful Little Ears What You Say" (or at least that is how Will sings it) hee hee.

I don't think their class could be filled with any cuter kiddos.

Will on back left and Levi on front center.
Levi does this cheesy grin when he sees cameras.

Will had the sweetest little wave when he spotted me. For some reason, it totally made my night when both he and Levi were so excited to see me and Zach out in the crowd. They were so proud of their performance, and we were so proud of them for not being scared or nervous at all!

Exiting the stage after the songs.

Family shot- Not the best pic, but it'll work!

Best Buds. Enjoying the post-show refreshments with Ava & Pierson.

Here they were on Sept. 9th
Their first day of school in 2009.

Their last day of school on May 20, 2010.
(We were really late so I took only one pic, and this is it!)

Will & Levi were so blessed to have great teachers throughout the year, and they were surrounded by some wonderful kids too! Now it's summer time! Woo hoo!



Cassie said...

OH my goodness! Will's little wave and facial expression melts my heart...and he's not even my little boy! I can't imagine the pride you felt seeing your boys on stage! What a blessing sons are to their mommas :)

JENNY said...

I loved looking at all of these pictures. Your boys are too cute. I can't wait until Jude is that age. It looks like so much fun.

Chris and I would LOVE to meet Zach's sister and her family. When are they moving here?

Kathy said...

They are looking so grown up! Love them dearly!

Shannon Burton said...

Man the boys have grown up in a year! Love the program pics- I remember Logan's first program- and our first experience with them. They truly are so stinkin cute! Glad yall had fun...