I have made it about half way through. I actually got sucked into another book and just finished it, so I need to finish this one. My brother heard them speak and said it was A.Mazing! I need to check to see when they are coming! That would be a cool thing to do with out small group!
i just read it this weekend, wow. i couldn't agree more with your recommendation.
ok, so now I have to read The Shack AND this one. Do you have copies I can borrow or did you get yours on loan??
I LOVE this book. I am jealous that you live in Abilene since Ron and Denver are coming to speak at ACU.
Yes, that was good advice. No need for explanation on the book... everyone just needs to read it.
mom, both were on loan. sorrrry-
I have made it about half way through. I actually got sucked into another book and just finished it, so I need to finish this one. My brother heard them speak and said it was A.Mazing! I need to check to see when they are coming! That would be a cool thing to do with out small group!
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