The Study
formerly known as the mirrored formal dining room
formerly known as the mirrored formal dining room
That's it. The room with the mirrors from waist height up.
this was taken inside the room looking out. i was standing where our china cabinet is now.
this was taken inside the room looking out. i was standing where our china cabinet is now.
we replaced the double arched doorway with interior french doors
excuse the mess. oh...and yes...that is Will sitting on his booster seat on the floor. that's just how we roll around here.
excuse the mess. oh...and yes...that is Will sitting on his booster seat on the floor. that's just how we roll around here.
then we decorated it. that is where i am sitting right now as i type this. that is my beloved mac. oh how i love thee.
more Before & Afters Coming Soon!
fyi: blogger is not letting me change font sizes. for some reason, it thinks all of you must be blind.
fyi: blogger is not letting me change font sizes. for some reason, it thinks all of you must be blind.
I really love the french doors- SO much better than that archway business. Nice color choice too!
Glad you're enjoying the new house.
Looks great!!!
I can't believe that ya'll did that archway. It looks SO good with the new doors on. I am very impressed and can't wait to see it first hand. :)
How fun! I love before and after pictures. Can't wait to see more!
love it! y'all did such a good job! looking forward to seeing more pics!
That looks great! Thanks for the FYI on the font size...I thought you got really mad all of a sudden and started yelling. :)
love the new house. it seems so open and lots of natural lighting. both very important things. miss you!
love the new house. it seems so open and lots of natural lighting. both very important things. miss you!
"Cadet Blue" must the new color for offices...we just painted Brad's office the very same color a few weeks ago. We call it, "slate blue" though. Keep the before and after pictures coming.
you guys did a great job!! Can't wait to see what you do in the rest of the house looks like! :)
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