Monday, February 11, 2008

Weekend Wrap-Up

By: Will & Levi

We went to the basketball game on Friday night. The game was fun to watch, but our favorite part was being held by a bunch of pretty college girls!

Then we came home and wrestled dad before bedtime. I, Levi, really like to bite dad's nose, and Will just likes to smile at the camera. Sometimes he sneaks in a toot.

On Saturday morning, dad made mom breakfast in bed. She really liked it, and she even let Will & I sit with her while she ate. She's kind of embarrassed about posting this picture because she had just woken up, but don't worry mom- we have seen you look much worse than this!

I had a lot of fun bouncing on mom & dad's bed.

I, Will, had fun drinking mom's orange juice.

Then we hung around the house in our sweats. Can you see my pearly whites?

Levi tried to act like a thug in his sweats, but he's too chubby to be scary!

Then we played with our favorite toy- the surround sound wires! For some reason, mom & dad don't like us playing with wires, but on Saturday mom kept on taking pictures of us! We don't think she saw the wires...we are really good at concealing things and looking innocent.

The weather was awesome on Saturday, so we spent the day outside! I love to be outside, and I always have a smile on my face. Sometimes I have a crooked smile...

Levi likes to be outside, but mom always has to be careful that there is nothing within reach that Levi can put into his mouth. He is crazy like that.

This is Levi's face after realizing he couldn't eat the tree, or the brick, or the dirt, or the bushes...

We love sunny weekends in February!

Not pictured: ACU Baseball games, Levi's first tooth!, Levi crawling!, Sunday afternoon naps, starting to pack for our big move (more on that later)

** Scroll down for the second installment of 'How I Became A Sheets'.

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Kate said...

Will and Levi are going to be great little journalists. I'm guessing Will will write the articles and Levi will be out "in the field" documenting everything on camera. I enjoyed their recap of the beautiful weekend!

Anonymous said...

wow, they really look more alike in their sock hats!
My favs: Will's orange juice picture- really shows off those big sweet eyes
Levi's funny face (cause he can't eat dirt, etc.) Sure looks like a Sheets in that one!

Anonymous said...

The boys had me laughing out loud.
They are adorable as always and very photogenic. mamanita

Nicole said...

I love those pictures!! They are just getting so big. My favorite is them wrapped in the cord trying to be sneaky. So cute. Jude and I are both sitting here and Jude really liked them too. On the one where Levi has the cap on, he turned to me and said, "Awwwww." It was so sweet.

Shannon Burton said...

What cute boys! I love this blog...especially the thug pic in the sweats!