Friday, December 07, 2007

Christmas Cuteness

This picture was too cute not to share!

Update on the boys:

Will has two bottom teeth now! It is pretty stinkin' cute. He is slowly enjoying floor time more and more every day. He loves to eat fruit- apples, pears, bananas. He is learning how to wave. I will have to get it on video because it's adorable! He just isn't clear on the right time to wave. He waits until no one is looking...then he does it! Will weighs about 15 1/2 lbs.

Levi has no teeth yet, but hopefully any day now one will break through. He is one of those babies that never cries. He absolutely loves floor time because he can roll to whatever he wants. He puts EVERYTHING in his mouth. He eats any kind of food. ANYTHING. Levi loves to pull hair, and he can pull hard. Levi weighs about 16 lbs.

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JENNY said...

What a great picture. They have the cutest smiles!

Staci said...

That is the cutest picture ever!!!! I love their grins!

Brody is almost 16 months old and STILL only has his 2 bottom teeth!!! lol

Hannah said...

That picture is too cute! They are such happy babies.

Angela said...

I really, really hope my kids are cute like yours. No, I'm not pregnant, but I'm just thinking ahead. They're adorable!

Matthew and Jessica Green said...

I love checking your blog! I cannot wait to join you in mommy-hood:)

Candy said...

And they're getting cuter by the minute!!!

Terah said...

Cuteness indeed!

Kate said...

How cool that you captured them both with BIG smiles! So sweet!

Shannon Burton said...

What darling pictures! Love your Christmas card one. The boys are so cute I could just eat them up. I knew Will was cutting teeth when yall were here before the camping trip! I bet he feels better now. And Levi won't be too far behind. Hey, also love the new layout of your blog! Tell me more about that...
Love you friend!

Allison said...

those babies are getting too cute. is there such a thing as being too cute? love them!

Jen said...

the only flaw right now in our wedding plans is your absense! it sucks! we will play coldplay and rock out in your honor.

Love your boys.

~aj~ said...

I blog hopped over here, but just have to say your boys are absolutely adorable! What a blessing they must be!