Wednesday, June 27, 2007

How many times have you been peed on today?

Me...about 5 times already. Oh the joys of boys!

We finally got around to getting some photos made of the boys. It will be so hard to pick our favorites because every one of them was SO GOOD! I know I am biased...but check these out for yourselves! Our photographer posted some on her blog.

Sorry that you have to type it into your browser. My 'link' button isn't working for some reason.

The boys are 6 weeks old...crazy! The coolest thing that has happened this week is seeing them be able to focus more. They will look right into our faces and just stare. Both boys have these BIG dark eyes, and it just stops you in your tracks when they look at you. So sweet!

I think Will has his first cold. His nose has been runny, and he has green gunk in his eye. I am waiting for a call back from a nurse, so we'll see what she says.

On another subject...
Zach's family and my dad left for Africa yesterday. They will be in Zimbabwe for 3 weeks to work at Karanda Hospital. If you think about it, send up a prayer for their safety and productiveness while they are there.


Anonymous said...

Not to be a know it all or anything, but Will could have a blocked tear duct. Both Jacob and Sydney had this and it is no fun!!! I hope it's just a little cold.

Kate said...

I think you win the award for being the best pee deflector/aimer. Thanks for letting me have some "Levi therapy" the other night. There is something so calming about holding a sleeping baby.

summer said...

Will & Levi...go easy on your Momma. Save some of that pee-pee for when Dad is changing you!

*Courtney* said...

That's funny about the pee...Matt and I have both been peed on by's like a little fountain when you change her diaper, ha!

I'll be praying for your dad and Zach's family on their 3 week Africa trip.

JENNY said...

haha! Truitt Ross has peed on me a couple of times and it's so funny.

Candy said...

Thanks for the laugh! Ahh I remember those days. We would laugh and laugh. I love that you have double entertainment! I've been praying for the trip. I'm sure it's amazing - and probably somewhat sad. May God pour out His joy and love over each of them.

Shannon Burton said...

Hey girl! Just finally got to get caught up on your blog. The boys are so cute! I can't believe how much they've grown in just a few short weeks. We need to come and visit soon! We just got back from Michigan...and leave today for Pine Cove Family Camp. We'll be home in a week and I'll give you a call. Praying for the Africa trip!