Saturday, October 31, 2009

Pumpkin Patch

I have been waiting for a couple of weeks for the perfect pumpkin patch weather. I thought it would never come...we had some of the windiest days (shocker), followed by cold and windy weather, followed by super windy days. But alas, yesterday ended up being a BEAUTIFUL day, and we had a great time out a the patch...

I love this one of Will : )

You never know what you're going to get when guy walks up and offers to take a family photo...
I was VERY happy when I came home, uploaded the pics onto the computer, and found this beauty! Thanks Mr. Anderson!

Paying for the pumpkins the picked out...

I LOVE that they will put their arms around each other and smile for pictures these days. It's priceless!

...and they were bummed to leave the patch...


October 2007
Will on left, Levi on right
5 months old

October 2008
Will on left, Levi on right
1 1/2 years old

October 2009
Levi on left, Will on right
2 1/2 years old
(I'm not sure why Levi looks so much taller than Will. They are pretty much the same height.)

Have fun Holloweening tonight! We are going to enjoy some trick or treating along our street, and then I will run home to greet all the trick or treaters at our house. I LOVE little kids in costumes. This is one of my FAVORITE holidays!


pam said...

Kara, the boys look like they are having so much fun! Great family picture. Hope ya'll have a fun time. Love, Pam

JENNY said...

They are so cute in their matching jackets. And, you got a great family picture!!

Kate said...

I love seeing how much the boys have grown over the past few years!

Allison said...

what handsome little boys you have! and i love their costume by the way! so funny and cute!

Sarah Cornett said...

Love the pics. What a beautiful family! And thanks for the trip down memory lane! :)

Blessed Mommy said...

Kara-what sweet pictures. I love your family picture.

Shannon Burton said...

Kara- these are so priceless. What cute pics! I love pumpkin pics. The boys are growing up! Loved being with you and Zach at the symphony. Sorry I never pulled it all together to get our whole families together. Guess that means Spring Abilene road trip!