Saturday, May 24, 2008

See...? No glass.

Zach pulled these out of his pocket yesterday. I had no idea he got to come home with proof of his ER visit! I think it's funny that he asked to get Levi x-rayed 'just in case'. Seriously?! He was in bed sleeping when the whole incident happened! That kid....(referring to Zach)

Levi's bones.

Will's bones.
He doesn't have a wedding ring around his wrist. The fingers of the people holding him down showed up in the x-ray. It kinda freaked me out at first. I thought Levi was growing some random bone out of his ribcage.

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Kathy said...

Zach, Zach, Zach.....
gotta love him.

...tom... said...

Glass shows up on x-ray film..??

Learn something new every day.

Our twins, boy/girl, are now 20 y/o. Enjoy the journey, it is over before it begins...
