First of all, thank you for all of your votes. (All 150 of them! YOWZA!) I will keep the polls open for a long time. We need as much help as we can get.
Secondly, I wanted to let you all know that I got the idea to write out our love story from someone else. That being said, I would LOVE to read your love story (if you have one..if not, I will read about your dogs, cats, weather or weekend plans just as excitedly as I would read about your non-existent love story). It is a lot of fun to remember the details that brought us together, and it could be really fun for you too! So please, get out your Word program and start typing up your story! Then let me know that you are doing it so I can check it out! There are 150 of you readers out there, and I want to read just as many stories! Seriously, stop reading this right now and start writing. It's the right thing to do.
If you are not obeying me, you can continue on to read Part 5. Then, after reading, you need to start writing. I have two 9 month old boys, and I can still manage to find time to write our story down. So you have NO excuses! Unless you have triplets or quads. Then you can tell me to shut up.
The Phone Call
As soon as I hung up the phone, I ran down to my friend Mo's room. I had to tell someone what was about to happen! I practically knocked down her door and searched her room frantically- 'she has to be in here...'. Then I heard her sweet little voice coming out of her bathroom 'Hey Kara, what's goin' on?' I am pretty sure this is what I sounded like- 'ohmigosh. you won't believe this. i was just sitting in my room studying and zach called me. you know, the guy from the chili cook off. i think blake (her boyfriend at the time) knows him. i don't know how he got my number or why he is calling me but i am sooo soo excited! i really think he is cool. anyways, i am leaving right now to meet him in the amphiteatre. what should i wear?!?!?' I am pretty sure I was jumping up and down as I was talking to her sitting on her toilet, but Mo should be the judge of that! *look for a comment of confirmation from her...
After Mo squealed and joined me in my excitement, I ran back to my room to get ready. All these things were flooding my mind, but the overall feeling of giddiness was so overwhelming it made my stomach hurt. I chose my staple outfit for the amphitheater meeting: clogs, jeans, and grey hoodie. I promise I had other clothes, but in my mind this outfit could not go wrong. Ahh...hind sight is 20/20.
It was really dark as I was walking from Sikes to the Amphitheatre. I was trying to think of some way to calm myself down, and the only thing that came to mind was to pretend I was talking on my phone as I walked up to Zach. So as I got closer to the amphitheatre, I whipped out my non-flip old style cell phone and began talking to 'Dad'. HA! I really did just laugh out loud at how funny that was that I pretended to talk to someone on my cell phone to appear cool, calm, & collected! Seriously, I am a dork.
I started to panic as I walked into the amphitheatre because there were a few random people sitting out on the steps. Oh crap! Will I recognize Zach? Which one is he?? Why have I not gone in for another eye appointment? That would be very helpful right now to see people's faces and not just blurs. Idiot Idiot Idiot. Oh yeah...I am still 'talking' on my phone. 'ha ha ha! Dad, you're so funny!' oh...that was LAME! Get it together Kara! Scan faces...look for something familiar...
That was when I saw him. His kind face could stand out in any crowd. I pretended to say bye to my dad and started to walk towards Zach. He stood up to give me a hug, and I took that as a really good sign. Up to this point, I still had no reason to believe he liked me. It could be that he asked me to meet him there to convince me to get back together with Guy. They were, after all, friends...
I sat down next to him, and he started to talk. It surprised me that he didn't beat around the bush at all. He got right down to business! Now I know that Zach never beats around the bush. It's one of his best, and sometimes kind of embarrassing qualities!
I wanted to talk with you about something, Kara. I know that you just broke up with Guy yesterday, but I just need to let you know that I like you. You don't have to respond in any way right now. I am sure you need some time to think about things, and you might have plans to get back together with Guy. But I just needed to tell you right now that I like you. I am not sure where you want to go from here, but I will wait however long for you if you need me to wait.
I remember my stomach turning more butterflies than fly through our backyard every October on their way to Mexico. Did he really just say that he liked me?!?! He doesn't even know me!
I somehow managed to muster up some words that made sense. I was sweating underneath my hoodie (remember how I sweat when I get nervous...bird poop story-Part 1), and I could feel my face and neck turning red. But even though I was shaking out of shock, I still knew one thing for sure. I liked this guy too. I liked him a LOT, and for some reason it all felt very different than any other way I had felt before. I didn't feel the need to be respectful of my new ex-boyfriend of 24 hours. I was more confident in Zach than I had been in anything else in my life.
I like you too, Zach.
TBC- Part 6: 'Oh no....we are RELATED!!!'
Finally, I join the story. I confirm that I was on the toilet during the said encounter. I remembered this the other day. Before Zach and Kara started dating, I remember Austin Lawrence telling me that Zach wanted to ask Kara out. I'm pretty sure this was my response, "No way. Kara doesn't like him." I guess I was wrong. Kara and I have since grown closer. I'm pretty sure she likes Zach now.
of course i'm living in UP apartments, completely unaware of any events going on in your life....because i'm a good caring and concerned brother.
Mo- your quick response to Austin sounds just like you! I mean that in the best of ways! I never knew you and Austin had that short conversation- it just made me laugh out loud.
Adam- I wasn't gonna mention anything.....
: )
This is hysterical! I love it! Is Zach reading all this or have you already 'fessed up to it all. I mean faking a phone call! Good one! And Mo, you are good. I love the comment. I can't wait for the next installment.
Kara, I will admit that reading this love stort makes me want to write my own...but then I start imagining how it would sound in my head and it just sounds crazy...we were friends in college, he randomly myspaced me two years out of college, i went to see him in Arkansas and we got married. That is the short and sweet version! Yours is much more romantic!
I have thoroughly enjoyed reading your story, and am anxiously awaiting the "we're related" chapter! I don't think I've heard that one yet. . .
and for the record, although I love the name Cotton, I have only ever called him Will, so for what it's worth, I want keep calling him sweet baby Will.
I am glad that I was able to help calm your jittery "first encounter" nerves just by talking to you on your cell phone. Wait--you were just pretending to talk to me? So I can calm your nerves just by pretending to talk to you? How boring am I? Oh well, still glad to be part of your love story--hope it never ends.
Love ya,
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