Saturday, January 05, 2008

The disadvantage of having a really large oak tree...

After an air horn blared into our front door around midnight, we walked outside to find this:

Here is what is left over after strong winds last night...

Revenge will be ours. he he he. (that was an evil laugh)

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Jenna said...

hahahahaha... That's funny! Those were some talented toilet-paperers..

Kate said...

Wow...crafty and creative! But apparently not quick enough.

Sarah Cornett said...

Wow, somebody got ya'll really good. You should definitely get revenge!

Anonymous said...

We gotcha suckers! Too bad White Lightning isn't as fast as he used to be.

Andy J was the mastermind behind all of this. You should drive out to Baird and get your revenge.

Kara said...


brandon, that's funny!

Kate said...

That brandon22 guy is funny, but he's not MY Brandon.

jkreggp said...

I clicked on your blog and read back a few and just want to say that Kara you are my heroine. You will not let a silly thing like a 100+ fever keep you from skiing. That's excellent.

Anonymous said...

I have a feeling when Will and Levi become teenagers, your yard will be toilet papered quite often! Better get used to it now.

Anonymous said...

if you need help with the retaliation just let me know. i don't think I can throw it quite as high, but i'm passionate about it.

Cassie said...

You DO have a great tree for toilet papering! And they spared no expense:) PLEASE take pictures of the retaliation...

Brown Sugar said...

kara....before you go get revenge, remember your luck with toilet papering a certain boys house. . .;)