Tuesday, April 10, 2007

32 Weeks- check.

The Dr. appointment went really well this morning. Everything looks great, and the doctor even scheduled a date to deliver!!! I was not expecting to do that this morning, and I broke into a sweat when he said that we were going to schedule a day. Now...you must understand that the date is just tentative because everything is sooo unpredictable. IF I don't go into labor before then, IF one of the boys does not flip, and IF everything goes as planned with the hospital...our boys will celebrate their birthday on May 16th! HOW EXCITING! .....and very soon. eek.

For now, here are some 32 week belly shots. I am getting bigger by the hour!

Names to cross off your list: Hans, Frank, Christian, Jedidiah, & George.


leslie said...

I love exciting Dr.'s appointments! I'm so glad everything looked great! I love that dress. You seriously look awesome for having 2 boys in there. :)

Sarah said...

Love the pics! Who is your photographer?

Candy said...

How exciting!!! I can't wait. Seriously you look amazing. Are you sure you want to cross off Hans? ha!

*Courtney* said...

Kara, I know what you mean by feeling like you are growing by the hour! I feel like that and I'm almost 2 weeks behind you! Anyway, you do look wonderful and that is so fun to know a birthday, even if it may come before that. :)

Anonymous said...

Wow. Today is my Grandmother shower. So I will have all sorts of things for the boys to use when they come see me. You look so good.

lisajo said...

What a beautiful tummy! My little girl thinks so too since as I type, she is repeatedly kicking the laptop as I type. I'm sure your boys and this girl will be quick friends!

Benay said...

you look beautiful honey! i can't wait to meet the boys!