About two weeks ago, we had a sewage flood in our house. One of those things that makes you so mad that you just laugh about it. We had no control over the flood, and we had no way of preventing it. It was just one of those accidents that happens that was completely out of our control. The city line behind our house got 'clogged' (makes me cringe just thinking about what it takes to clog one of those huge city sewage lines)...anyways, the line got blocked resulting in the neighborhood's waste coming up into our home. Gross is an understatement. Stinky doesn't come close to describing the smell. Disgusted doesn't scratch the surface of how I felt watching our bathtubs, showers, toilets, and bathroom floors fill up with sewage. Fortunately, we were home when it happened, so we were able to minimize the damage. Thankfully, Landon & Whitney live a stone's throw from our house, so we just took our already packed/never unpacked suitcases to their place. Now it's just a matter of waiting. Waiting for our home to be cleaned out and ready for us to come back home. On the bright side, about half of our home will be like new! I finally get the master bathroom updates that I have wanted since we moved in....just not quite in the way that we wanted it to happen.
It's times like these when we really count our blessings. We have a home to live in. (our home and Landon & Whitney's). We were home when it happened. We were about to leave for Dallas when the flood started. I don't have any words to describe how it would have felt to come home to your house flooded with sewage for 4 days. We have wonderful family and friends who have taken us in during this time. And really, there are just a lot worse things going on in this world.
Once our house is repaired, and I am back on our computer with vacation pictures, I would love to show you all some of God's creation that we have been able to see this summer. We have had a very eventful summer....not so much relaxing...but that's ok!
Oh wow. How crazy! Glad you have so many great friends and family to support you guys. Hope the clean-up happens quickly!
So sorry ya'll have had to deal with all of that! I cannot imagine.
ughghghgh--so sorry you've had to deal with that!! On another note, you guys and your traveling with toddlers inspires me to do the same with Lofton. I am so impressed with all of the places Levi & Will have already been in their 3 little years. You guys are rock star parents!
Honey. You know I am thinking of you guys and praying that this all passes quickly. I love your perspective on things though! Wise beyond your years. :) Love to the Sheets fam, shan
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